1982 the Dance Committee of ITI founded International Dance Day to be
celebrated every year on the 29th April, the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre
(1727-1810), creator of modern ballet. The intention of the International Dance
Day Message is to celebrate dance, revel in the universality of this art form,
cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers, and bring people together
with a common language - dance.
This day is an opportunity to display pride in a profession that is becoming increasingly essential in the era of progressing globalisation. International Translation Day is celebrated every year on 30 September on the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered the patron Saint of translators. This Year's Theme: Indigenous Languages One of the reasons why indigenous language translation is this year's International Translation Day 2019 theme is that there is recognition of how important it is for millions of indigenous people around the world for their language to be preserved and protecte
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