Introduction A list of policy guidelines is included in the Constitution known as “the Directive Principles of State Policy” D P S P D P S P . These guidelines are ‘non-justifiable’, i.e., parts of the Constitution that cannot be enforced by the judiciary. Goals of DPSP Following are the significant Goals of DPSP − Welfare of the people; Social, economic, and political justice; Raising the standard of living; equitable distribution of resources; Promotion of international peace. Policies of DPSP Following are the important Policies of DPSP − Uniform civil code; Prohibition of consumption of alcoholic liquor; Promotion of cottage industries; Prevention of slaughter of useful cattle; Promotion of village panchayats Non - Justifiable rights of DPSP Following are the major non-justifiable rights of DPSP − Adequate livelihood; Equal pay for equal work for men and women; Right against economic exploitation; Right to work; and Early childhood care...